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Here you can find everything that happens in ELT Group, from our projects to our collaborations to any relevant information.

ELT Group 2024 Results
Strategic Plan Centered Company’s best-ever performance: production value over 350 M€, order volume 470 M€ 50 M€ investment in R&D: focus on Gcap, Unmanned Space and C-UAV and 10 M€ in cyber R&D through contracts to Cy4Gate Company growth: 180 new employees, new Naples headquarters, Saudi Arabian company starts operations Cy4Gate: acquisition ca 80% of XTN and additional 15% of French Diateam E4LIFE: 5 M€ turnover, breakeven reached ahead of schedule
ELT Group and the Qatar Armed Forces signed a contract for the delivery of a Unified EW Center in Qatar
Rome, 18th December ELT Group and the Qatar Armed Forces have signed a Contract for the delivery of a Unified Electronic Warfare (EW) Centre which will provide the Qatar Armed Forces with state-of-the-art capabilities for EW operations, further enhancing the modernity, maturity and capability of Qatar Armed Force. This contract corresponds to the initial step of a wider project that will be achieved in different phases.
Nel 2024 investimenti record dell’azienda in attività R&D cyber,a Cy4Gate contratti per 10ML€…
L’Approccio multidominio e il ruolo sempre più centrale della dimensione cyber hanno spinto una grande focalizzazione dell’azienda verso attività di ricerca e sviluppo finalizzate alla cyber resilience oltre che in ottica di implementazione di capacità cibernetiche tramite lo spettro elettromagnetico (cosiddetta C.E.M.A.). Questo è avvenuto, potendo contare sulle solide competenze e tecnologie di Cy4Gate, società del Gruppo e unico partner industriale nel dominio cyber.


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