Building a sustainable future through technology.
Enhancing sustainable solutions in different domains is our strength. Here are a few we are particularly proud of.
Automatic hydroponic cultivation has various applicability on land, but in space too: the exploration of deep space and the colonization of other celestial bodies requires the use of new generation space modules, capable of supporting the lives of astronauts for long periods and guaranteeing their survival and well-being in situations of isolation from Earth. These technologies are crucial in terms of sustainability and food safety and have great applicability – together with 3D Food Printing – in the creation of systems for the bio-printing of plant cells.

What’s next? We’re already keen on it.
There is no such thing as “impossible solutions”. Just solutions that have not been invented yet. This is the purpose of the ELT Group’s New Tech Lab, where the most pioneering uses of EMS are studied and innovated.
EMS use in biodefense
We have developed E4shield, a unique and patented technology capable of inactivating respiratory viruses using electromagnetic waves, harmless to humans, but effective against viruses in aerosol, to activate a mechanical resonance of respiratory viruses, breaking its envelope/capsid for inactivating the viral charge. Technology is CE and SAR (Specific Absorption rate) certified. Our technology has been optimized and tested with positive results in aerosols in 90% of cases against Sars-Cov-2 and H1N1 (seasonal flu). In the future, we will continue the research for the optimization of the technologies for further viruses and for bacteria.

Smart security
We can provide our expertise to increase the security component within Smart Districts and Cities. With this ambition we are collaborating with key leaders Companies in Security inside the Milan Innovation District (MIND) to develop a Security Control Center for Smart Districts. We propose real-time Artificial Intelligence solutions to integrate and automate new functionalities by simplifying the operator’s use of the Control Room and improving the awareness of the urban scenario.
Artificial intelligence for processes
AI-related technologies, correctly and progressively introduced in processes, allow us to adapt to the change and use it as a pathway to people improvement with a strong attention to its ethics application. In the future, we aim to use AI for automatic and repetitive task while employing our people for added value tasks, creative activities, and intellectually complex design phases. This will improve cost optimization and elevate our people’s self worth.

Our approach to enabling tangible technologies.
Innovation it’s not just abstraction to us, but a tangible application.